Inter Theatre Company: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company
Home of Inter Theatre Company: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company
About Inter Theatre Company: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Inter Theatre Company Groups: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Inter Theatre Company and Lockdown: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Coming soon to Inter Theatre Company: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Inter Theatre Company Facilitators: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Inter Theatre Company Galleries: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Contact Inter Theatre Company: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Based in The Midlands, UK, EQAD Film Festival of films and film makers celebrating and representing Equality and Diversity. Listen to the enchanting music of Soulpath, written by Steve Mitchell and Mike Stone and featured in Humanus: A Horror/comedy/romance/musical film by Back2Front Films, Inter Theatre C.I.C, Reality Films and Steve Mitchell. Inclusively written by, filmed by and featuring people with learning and physical disabilities Visit Real2Can: The home of Esoteric and Exploratory Film Making Visit Reality Films: Promotor of Inter Theatre Company and Lockdown: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Visit BACK 2 FRONT FILMS: A unique inclusive film production company and talent agency ran by and for people with and without physical and learning disabilities. Visit BACK 2 FRONT TALENT AGENCY: For people of all skills, abilities and talents, whatever part of the spectrum they find themselves on, to be represented on television, film and the media, both for who they are and who they are able to be. Inter Theatre Company on Facebook: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company Visit Humanus: A horror/Comedy/Romance/Musical Film made by Back2Front Films and Inter Theatre Company: An inclusive community interest theatre and film company


Early in 2016 Take A Bow asked if they could perform Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. There were only a couple of problems! Firstly we didnt have a big enough cast for children, oompa loompas, parents etc – so they invited The Upstagers to join them. Secondly we needed a venue and as we were already rehearsing at the Garrick with some of our members we brought them on board, as well as the Coton Centre, Tamworth for a prelim rehearsal space. Thirdly we had to get permission from the Roald Dahl Estate to create our own adaption of the story and, fourthly additional permission from Warner Brothers because the official show was already showing on the West End

Almost  a year later the curtains opened on a show that included script and music written by the members of the cast. Much hard work went into making set and costumes and it turned out to be one of our bigger shows and successes.

WELL DONE!!!  It was a brilliant evening and I thought everyone acted their socks off – Sarah Elsom, Deputy Lieutenant

What an achievement. I join many others to tell you you have much to be proud of – Barbara Hyde, Deputy Lieutenant